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Lose the Freshman 15: My first weigh-in

So today was the big day — my first official weigh-in! After just one week I’ve already lost 2.5 pounds!

I’m not going to lie, I’m a little disappointed. I weighed myself a few times last week and it looked like I had lost a little more. But! 2.5 pounds is still great for just one week. Here are a few things I’m going to do better this week:

Up the cardio. Last week I worked out, but I didn’t work out as hard as I could have. This week I want to really push myself and get my heart rate up for a full 30 minutes. I’m also going to look for more ways to tone my arms and strengthen my core.

Cut the coffee. I love coffee and I rely on caffeine to get me through my long, busy days. If I drank my coffee black, this wouldn’t be a problem — but I don’t. The extra sugar and creamer adds unnecessary calories, so I’m going to switch to green tea to get my caffeine fix. I’ve heard it boosts your metabolism too, but I’ll talk more on the benefits of green tea later.

Plan ahead. Going into the weekend, I knew that between a night at home and Max’s formal there was going to be a lot of calories involved, but I didn’t know how to deal with it other than to hope for the best. This week I’ll be celebrating my 21st birthday and leaving for Las Vegas. There is a lot of potential for my diet to go south, so by Thursday I’ll have a plan for how I’m going to make it through my birthday week and still lose weight — and then I’m going to stick to it.

My ultimate goal is to lose 18 pounds by May 16, the end of the 10 weeks and the first day of summer. So far, I’m 2.5 pounds closer to my goal. Only 15.5 pounds left to go! 


Ready to work hard for a bikini bod,



Ps. If you want to try this work out and meal plan yourself, you can! It’s totally free and available here. I’d love for you to join me! If you have any questions, tweet ’em at me! @SamGetsHealthy

I am a junior studying News-Editorial Journalism at the University of Illinois. When I'm not writing and editing for HC Illinois, I work as the Features Editor of the Daily Illini. I am also the vice president of the Society of Professional Journalists on the UI campus as well as the computer chair for the Iota chapter of Delta Gamma. Writing is my passion and I hope to one day move to New York City and work for a magazine, writing feature stories and investigative pieces. I love HC Illinois because I have so much fun writing stories for collegiettes™and reading stories by my amazing peers.