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The Obama-Biden Bromance Is Getting Its Own Movie, Because, Obviously

File under the best news we’re heard in 2017: the Obama administration is getting its own workplace comedy movie – meaning our favorite Obama Biden memes are about to be brought to life before our very eyes.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Universal Pictures and Anonymous Content will be teaming up to create a movie version of a book proposal by former White House staffer Beck Dorey-Stein. The book, called From the Corner of the Oval, focuses on the relationships between the Obama administration staff. (Yes, including the dynamic duo Obama and Biden.) It’s written from the perspective of a woman (likely largely based off of Dorey-Stein), who goes from being a cocktail waitress to working as a stenographer in the White House.

Producers working on the movie include Michael Sugar, who produced the Oscar-winning film Spotlight, so we have faith that the Obama administration will be given the treatment it deserves.

Although the book isn’t due out until 2018 (and the movie will likely follow it), we’re pretty positive getting to relive the our favorite bromance of all time will be worth the wait. 

What did we do to deserve this? Is this our reward for making it through 2017? We have so many questions.

Caroline is the Evening/Weekend Editor and Style Editor at Her Campus, a senior public relations major at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a leather jacket enthusiast.  You can follow her on Twitter and Instagram @c_pirozzolo.