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Margot Robbie Wants to Be More Than Just a Love Interest for Leading Men in Hollywood

In an interview with Woman’s Day Australia, Margot Robbie reveals that she hopes to play more than just the “pretty face” and wants to take on more character-driven roles in her future projects. Further, she also hopes to deviate from just playing the love interest of male characters. Robbie has had a reputation for playing the clichéd love interest since her breakout role as the wife of Leonardo DiCaprio’s character in The Wolf of Wall Street. While the character she plays in the film has her own personality and part in the plot, she is still in the shadows of her husband, and it’s not clear whether she would still exist without him in the movie.

In the interview, she reveals, “I want to keep looking for roles where the main interest will be in the character and her importance in driving a story forward, rather than her relationship with a main character.”

She has two upcoming films set to be released this summer including the much-talked-about Suicide Squad and a live-action version of Tarzan—in which she will star as Jane Porter alongside Alexander Skarsgård’s Tarzan.

It’s possible that these films will mark Robbie’s transition to playing the types of characters she is looking for. No matter what, we know she has the acting chops to portray females who have enough strength and personality to do their own thing without the support of a male character.