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Hilarious Harvard Housing Day Videos

This morning, I stumbled upon all of these hilarious videos made by each house at Harvard in preparation for Harvard’s Housing Day- the day when Harvard freshmen find out which house they’ve been assigned to for the next three years!  It’s sort of a Harry Potter-esque system except that the house assignments are completely random.  Nevertheless, each house does everything it can leading up to Housing Day to prove that it is the best house!

Check out this hilarious video made by Quincy House (my house!) that is a spoof on the movie “Inception”

This is Cabot House’s video- “Cabot Cribs”- my younger brother Jesse, a sophomore at Harvard, is at the beginning!

And here is Leverett House’s (Annie’s house!) video- “Teach Me How to Bunny” to the tune of “Teach Me How to Dougie” (Leverett’s mascot is a bunny)

Stephanie is co-founder, CEO & Editor-in-Chief of Her Campus Media, which she co-founded in 2009 as an undergrad at Harvard.