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This Woman Got Third-Degree Burns When She Tanned After Using Essential Oils

Using essential oils regularly can help with everything from relaxation to sleeplessness. But one woman’s horrifying experience demonstrates the dangers of using these products along with heat. Like most people, Elise did not read the fine print on the bottle and later paid the price—when she suffered second- and third-degree burns.

According to PopSugar, Nguyen put essential oils on her neck right before a tanning bed session. Within a few days, she’d developed severe, painful burns that have now persisted for months. PopSugar explains that this is likely due to a chemical reaction between the oils and the UV rays from the tanning bed. While Nguyen later noticed a small warning on her essential oils about staying out of the sun after using them, she had never really paid attention to it before she had a problem.

Nguyen posted pictures of the burns on Facebook in order to spread awareness and ensure that no one else has to go through what she did. “As summer is getting closer, and the weather is getting nicer I just want everyone to be aware of this. Please, please read the bottles of anything you put on your skin. I wouldn’t want this to happen to anyone else. It’s been hell,” she wrote in her post.

It’s comon to forget to read the fine print on our beauty products, but those warnings are there for a reason! Essential oils are a wonderful way to relax and unwind after a stressful day, but now we know to be extra careful to make sure we’re using them (and any other product) safely.

Read Nguyen’s full Facebook post below:

I am a student at the University of Central Florida majoring in Advertising/Public Relations, and I hope to one day be an event coordinator for a major corporation. My hobbies include reading, writing, Netflix, and working out!