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How to Satisfy Your Love/Hate Relationship with Valentine’s Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Yale chapter.

If you’re feeling lonely this Valentine’s Day, just remember you have the power to make it an incredible day for one of your friends who’s excited for it. What’s even more exciting than that? You also have the power to make it undoubtably a day they never forget.  Whether or not you choose to be a great friend or to let out some pent up frustration, make sure you have a good time tonight.

Angel: Set up blind dates for all your friendsDevil: Set up blind dates for all your friends with Craiglisters looking to sell bike parts

Angel: Cook your friend and their date/bf/crush their favorite meal for dinner.Devil: Cook your friend and their date/bf/crush their favorite meal for dinner and nonchalantly mention you’ve added your love potion.

Angel: Help your friend’s date plan the perfect picnic.Devil: …on top of 2 feet of wet snow

Angel: Reassure your friend how cute their date is.Devil: Reassure your friend how much their date looks like their mom or dad.

Angel: Help your friend get ready for their date; lend them clothes and accessories, and compliment their natural beauty and style.Devil: Turn into a Jewish mother and as they get ready, remind your friend of all their flaws and how if they don’t get married soon they’ll end up alone forever. (This is one of my favorite family traditions)

Angel: Clean your suite so your friend’s date is impressed.Devil:  Clean your suite so your friend’s date is impressed, then take red paint and draw a huge arrow on the wall towards your friends room and write “SHE’S MINE”

Angel: Make a reservation at a fancy restaurant for your friend’s date.Devil: Make a reservation at a fancy restaurant for your friend’s date and tell them you need a cake for their one year anniversary.

Angel: If your friends day/date/picnic goes bad, remind them that whatever happens, Valentine’s Day is a materialistic sham of a holiday that means nothing.Devil: If your friends day goes well, remind them that whatever happens, Valentine’s Day is a materialistic sham of a holiday that means nothing.