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Girls’ Rights Activist and Co-Founder & VP of The Girl Effect at VCU, Lauren Nicolette Colie

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at VCU chapter.

Lauren Nicolette Colie

Class of 2015

Mass Communications, Print Journalism Concentration & Writing Minor

Who are you inspirations and/or role models?
I admire Ayn Rand as a role model. Whether or not you subscribe to the Objectivist philosophy, she’s an admirable woman. There are few things more impressive than commitment to your beliefs in the face of adversity. Many claim her philosophies center around selfishness—but I do not take this to mean a lack of interest in the welfare of others. I simply understand it as taking an active interest in evaluating yourself in order to achieve your dreams. After all, who better to support you than…you?

Another inspirational individual is Nikki Sixx. Many people think this is an unusual choice, but his life experiences don’t necessarily need to match mine in order for me to learn from them. His music crosses barriers and reminds me daily “Life is Beautiful.”

What is your dream job?
My answer to this question hasn’t changed since kindergarten. I want to be a writer. I was never very specific—but I don’t think you need to be. I’d be happy writing about anything—in fact, that’s why I love my major. Writing allows you to explore all disciplines rather than confining yourself to a single field. I love research writing in particular, and would love to join up with a magazine like National Geographic for journalism through an anthropologic lens.

Where do you hope to see yourself in 10 years?
Ten years from now, I hope to own a Welsh Corgi named Skittles. I also hope to have a reasonably steady paycheck, a SmartCar, and maybe a husband. Maybe.
That all sounds highly unspecific, but I really am open to the future taking shape by chance rather than molding it into some “dream” image. My dream, and my hope, is to be happy and doing things I find fulfilling.

What organization positions do you hold?
Currently, I’m the News Editor for Her Campus at VCU, which is something I enjoy. I’m big on small details, and I love the writers. I’m also co-founder and Vice President of The Girl Effect at VCU.

What led you to help launch The Girl Effect at VCU?
Our president, Karthika, approached me one day about this organization. She knew I feel strongly about supporting opportunities for women. I researched The Girl Effect and fell in love with the blunt, straightforward and active organization. Together, Karthika and I muddled our way through the process of filling out all the paperwork to become official here at VCU, eventually adding Mrinmayee and Sindhu to complete our leadership team.

What motivates you to be a leader and why?
It’s not that I necessarily seek out leadership—I just like ensuring things run smoothly. I’m a very regimented person when it comes to scheduling, so people are usually confident when they need to rely on me. My motivation is simply helping everything stay organized and get done—it’s less stressful for everyone and when more gets done, there is more time for everyone to relax and have fun.

Is there anything you wish to share about yourself?
My plants are like my children—I might be a little obsessed. I have a secret vegetable garden hidden on my parents’ property and my dorm room is full of flowers and herbs. I order seed catalogues and circle things I want. I actually collect lily varieties—honestly, bulb plants in general are wonderful!
I also clean when I’m stressed. Around exam time, you can see your reflection on every surface in my room, including the floor. It’s repetitive, soothing and makes it easier to focus.

Chelsea is a Her Campus alumnae and the Cofounder and former President and Editor-In-Chief of Virginia Commonwealth University's Her Campus chapter. Chelsea has diverse professional experience thanks to her many internships in college. Her experience includes working in the research department at Viacom's MTV, assisting the CEO of a boutique jewelry brand in NYC, and working at an English tourist magazine in Japan. Beyond her professional life, Chelsea is inspired by fashion, finance, all things Harry Potter, her dream of working for a company she loves, and her travels. Chelsea turns to Sailor Moon episodes and Harry Potter soundtracks when life gets tough. Also a good amount of shopping, traveling, and making memories with loved ones will maintain her status quo.Connect!LinkedIn Instagram: @chelsskubo