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Confessions of a Pluviophile

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at VCU chapter.

According everyone’s favorite, Urban Dictionary, a pluviophile is a lover of rain; someone who finds joy and peace of mind during rainy days. In the mind of a pluviophile, rain is a good thing. 

1.     The best walks are in the rain.

The moment those clouds turn grey and that thick but also light sort of smell drifts through the world, you’re out the door and walking down the street staring at the sky, waiting for that first drop to wet everything around you.

2.     When you’re stressed, the rain washes it away.

When the sky releases that rain, it’s like it’s dropping a weight, and whatever’s been weighing you down goes away too, at least for a little while. When everything seems to be going to hell, it rains and you know someone out there is looking out for you.

3.     There’s a reason all the iconic movie scenes are in the rain.

Every huge reunion between two lovers, every sobbing fight, every big life revelation happens in the rain. It adds drama and passion and a sense of urgency. It sets up the perfect romantic scene.

4.     You don’t care too much about your hair.

Everyone always hates the rain because it messes up their hair, you on the other hand kind of like the look. You like how the drops stick to your hair and roll down your cheeks. You care more about how it feels when it rains than how you look.

5.     Tears don’t exist in the rain.

It’s the prime setting to cry, almost as good as the shower. Are they tears or are they raindrops? The world may never know.

6.     Rain makes things grow.

It’s kind of incredible. You appreciate the magic that rain has to make things grow and bloom. So much relies on it; peoples’ entire livelihoods are based on whether or not it rains.

7.     Thunderstorms are the best.

They make you feel powerful; invincible and vulnerable at the same time. The best ones are at the beach or in the mountains, watching the clouds roll in and feeling the intensity of the thunder and lightning in the pit of your stomach.

8.     It’s amazing during car rides.

You get to pretend you’re a kid and watch the tadpoles race on the windows or pretend you’re in some dramatic music video. 

9.     The rain indulges all your senses.

You can smell the richness. You can hear the rain smack against the roof and your windows. You can taste the drops and catch them in your mouth as they fall from the sky. You can feel it against your skin, both warm and cold. And you get to see the reflection of the streetlights on wet pavement, and the drops on the leaves. It makes everything so much greener and full of life. 

Jessica is a Senior who majors in English and Philosophy with a concentration in Law at Virginia Commonwealth University. She is also involved heavily in her sorority, Alpha Omicron Pi, RamTHON, the English Honor Society, and she's a Rowdy Ram. When she's not staying up until 3 am pounding Diet Cokes and writing essays last minute or stressing about "life after college", she can be found quoting FRIENDS and Shakespeare and laughing at her own jokes. If you're feeling super curious about her personality, just look at her Gemini horoscope or her Myers Briggs results (E/INFP btw). 
Keziah is a writer for Her Campus. She is majoring in Fashion Design with a minor in Fashion Merchandising. HCXO!