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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UWindsor chapter.


During the school year, most of us have to-do lists full of assignments, projects, coffee dates, and several other commitments that need to be done. This creates order, accountability, and allows you to prioritize your tasks so that you don’t fall behind, or forget to submit something that was assigned to you during the first day of the semester. However, during the summer, having a to-do list can mean something completely different. For many of us, the summer is a well-earned break from the stresses of academia or work. We spend this time relaxing with friends, watching a ton of Netflix, or spending an excessive amount of time in bed. We do not have to-do lists and, if we do, they remind us of fun dates, hangouts, and other endeavors that have nothing to do with school. That’s a good thing, as it’s important to take time for relaxation. However, with all the potential summer offers, fun should not be the only thing on your mind. This summer, take note of these 3 things that should be in your to-do list:

1)    Fun: 

During the school year, you probably have to say “no” to friends who want to hang out because you have an assignment due or a midterm the next day. However, during the summer you should make sure to utilize the break well—this means planning a fun activity to do each week. You can try surfing for one week while going skating with friends next. Your definition of fun can also include a backyard Netflix session with friends—whatever it is, write it down on your to-do list so that you have fun activities planned for the summer. 


2)    Internships or Job-Ops: 

During the school year, you might be juggling many extracurriculars and classes, so you might not be able to apply for job opportunities or internships that push you towards success. Now is the time to search for these unique opportunities. Write down the names of places that you can apply to on your to-do list and start sending in your resumes to these places. Look at the application process, and shoot your shot! Try something new that could enhance your skillset and escalate your career to the next level. Push yourself! 


3)    A New Hobby: 

This extra time during the summer can also be spent learning a new language, like Turkish for instance. You can write down tasks on your to-do list that include learning something new each day, like grammar, syntax, and other rules for the said language. Or you can try and learn how to play tennis or something else that you might not be accustomed to. This summer, step outside of your comfort zone and learn a new potential hobby that you might have minimal experience in, that you’ve been interested in trying out, and that you enjoy. 


These activities can be added to your summer to-do list, which will be way more fun for you to plan and tackle compared to your school agenda. This summer to-do list is also fun because you do not have to deal with your typical winter/fall semester to-do lists which include demanding and stressful obligations. Happy summer! 


This is an anonymous account hosted by our team mascot, Morty the Monkey. This article was written by a UWindsor student.