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Reasons for Being Active

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UWindsor chapter.

I can safely say that working out has helped me achieve success in my university experience, be it from my academics or even in my social life. My form of working out does not work with every person, but the main thing that I want to get across is that everyone should seek to work out in some way be it sports, running, lifting weights, yoga, etc.

For me, whenever I walk into the gym, I always want to be better when I leave than when I came in. Be it putting on five more pounds on an exercise or getting that one grueling rep in, and I always try to become better. Having this mentality of competitiveness with yourself bleeds into other areas of your life and makes you a hungrier person, always challenging yourself creates a better individual because you are always striving for something better. You soon start to challenge yourself to do better at school, to make better relations with your peers, and just go the extra mile in your life. This small fact of the gym has made me realize that anything is possible if you just have the right mindset and goal in mind.

You become more confident! I started to go to the gym when I was my first year of University, and I began to notice the way that I viewed myself. I enjoyed the fact that I was getting bigger and I could see the results in the mirror. Your physique is the one thing that no one can discredit or take away from you; my body is the product of the number of hours I have put in the gym.

Finally, it helps me destress and calms me down. “everything else in life seems simple when you are trying to push heavy weights off you.” This is such a true statement, when I am in the gym, everything else just stays at the door. You can focus on nothing but yourself when you are in the gym, and you can clear your mind even when you have a thousand things all going at once. You release endorphins when you work out which helps you become more confident about everything.

One most last reason for working is this: I have never regretted going to the gym after I had finished a workout. It is always hard to start an exercise or get into a routine but once you start, you will it hard to stop. So, be it a class, weights, or sports please find time in your day to work on your physical health for the betterment of your overall health.