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Motivation Monday: Shake it Off!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

Yet another dreadful Monday has arrived, but there’s one thing we can do about it… Shake it off! Sometimes we get so caught up in the things that bring us down that we let them consume our lives and we forget about the good things in life. Instead of letting that one bad test grade bring you down this week, shake it off and know you will study harder and do awesome next time. Dwelling on the bad things in life isn’t going to change anything or make us feel better. Instead, we need to focus on what is good and encourage others to do the same.

I know, for myself, whenever I am having a bad week, it often takes my mom knocking some sense into me and telling me to not take life so serious sometimes. Life is going to be hard, but we need to ignore the little bothersome things and have some fun every now and then. Life is too short to be miserable! So I encourage you to blast your music, have a dance party this week, and shake off some of that stress. Taylor Swift would be proud. 

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