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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPRM chapter.

What does this phrase means in today’s context? We all know that women have more rights today than they did 70 years ago. That is a true fact, but it only means we have work yet to be done. In today’s society girls are constantly being watched on their behavior and appearance; this is a very clear image of how there is still a struggle in the injustice towards the female population.

There is no equivalence between the social expectations in women and men; while a young boy can sit as he likes, get dirty during recess and ask a girl out: girls are expected to sit with their legs crossed, stay completely neat and wait for the boy to ask her out. Who is to say that is the correct way to educate society? Sexes are to be treated with EQUALITY; of course there are physiological differences, but these should definitely not be mixed with social stereotypes.


By equality, it should also be taken under notice that men should be able to be involved with “feminine” aspects as they like and not be judged by it. A man should be able to wear pink, dance and enjoy cleaning- and not be taken under any social label. It has been shown that the practice of equality in relationships increase a relationship’s stability.(1)

That’s why the change begins within ourselves, our relationships and how we treat others.  By being  conscious of the way women and men should really be seen, we help develop a better society; the most important thing is to pay the importance this deserves and educate others on the matter.  





(1) “Gender inequality in domestic work reduces relationship stability among egalitarian childless women and among all mothers” (Schober 1)

Schober, Pia. “GeNet Working Paper no 41 October 2010”. Cambridge: University of Cambridge 2010.    Paper 40. Oct 2010. Pdf. 


Mónica Ocasio is a senior majoring in comparative literature, with a minor in Italian at the University of Puerto Rico- Mayagüez. Born, raised and living in Puerto Rico, Mónica has always enjoyed reading a good book, spending time with her family and baking.