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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPR chapter.

We were all born individuals. We all live in communities as individuals. No matter your housing, living style or relationship status: you are you!

Nowadays, some people love bossing around the rest of the world trying to tell them what to do, when to do it and how to do it. Also, they even suggest to you who to follow, because that person will update you the best.

Understanding their intentions of wanting to help and inform others, and understanding your wanting to know what is up with this world, my question is: do we really need all of these “updates”?

Don’t get me wrong, I like knowing what is going on with you guys -it’s my job-, but I wouldn’t schedule my life based on fads or with “what’s in”. You see, the real beauty of life doesn’t rely on fashion or trends, this beauty relies inside of each and every one of you; it relies on personal style.

Style is taking a popular thing and owning it, making it your own. If you go on living life like a copy-paste version of some Internet star or what your favorite magazine said that would be “it”, then you would lose your individuality and would just blend in with the crowd.

The world would be more colorful and interesting if all of us humans actually embraced our uniqueness and not lived like a step-by-step YouTube tutorial. I really want to see your statement and contribution for planet Earth. How would I know it’s yours? Because I wouldn’t have already seen it.

Some of us might think alike and have the same tastes, but there is always something that will give you away. Embrace yourself, and do whatever you want!

Born in New York's finest hospital: Belleview. Raised in an echanted island: Puerto Rico. Don't expect me on the sidelines, I walk as if the world were my runway. Journalism student learning Physical Education and Recreation because writing stories under preassure was not enough.