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All the Questions You Have About Studying Abroad: Answered

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.


“Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer”

By: Sarah McCann

Have you ever heard anyone say, “I wish I never studied abroad?” No, of course you haven’t. Studying abroad is single handedly one of the most amazing semesters in a college students’ career and the experience creates a string of memories that will be carried throughout a lifetime. That being said, it can be an extremely tough decision and there are many factors to be considered. If you’re on the fence about whether you should go, then you’re in luck! I just finished the most incredible semester in Florence, Italy and am writing this article in hopes that I can tackle any questions or concerns you may have so you don’t miss out on what will no doubt be the time of your life. I’m sure that, just like me, a list of classic reasons and worries of why you shouldn’t go run through your head at first. Here were mine: I love UNH and I couldn‘t possibly leave campus for that long? How many things am I going to miss out on? Will my friends forget about me? I will be so homesick and miss my family too much. What if I hate it? Four months without a cell phone? Hell no. Going abroad is way too much money! What if the movie Taken becomes my reality? And the list goes on…

What will I miss out on?

As my semester comes to an end, you can trust me when I say you will honestly LAUGH at yourself for ever thinking any of these things. As much of a blast as UNH is, the opportunities waiting for you abroad will trump any cocktail or themed frat party going on at home. And sure, maybe it stings a bit when your friends post all the Homecoming and Halloween pictures on Facebook and Instagram, but then you remember that instead you were in Amsterdam partying in the red light district with some crazy Deutsch folk, or maybe you went to the coast of somewhere beautiful and drank margaritas on the beach overlooking the crystal clear waters of the Mediterranean. Perhaps, even, you traveled to Ireland and found yourself in Wicklow National Park, in the exact spot where Gerry and Holly first met in PS I Love You, and suddenly you can breathe again.

It’s inevitable, you have to get used to the fact that, sure, there are events you’re going to miss out on, but they are truly nothing compared to the events you will partake in. You get the chance to actually live in a foreign place and not just simply visit for a week or two. You begin to see the world in a different, more mature way. Some of your views will completely turn upside down and you will gain more appreciation for certain aspects of life you may have not paid attention to before. You enter a city as a nervous stranger, and leave a seasoned expert. Over the course of the semester, you will make some memories with incredible new friends that you may never see again, but that you also won’t ever forget. You’ll gain new appreciation for your friends at home now that you’ve been apart for so long and you’ll see that missing them isn’t so bad when you know they miss you just as much. This goes the same with family.

How will my grades be effected?

Your mother may often remind you, “Remember, the main reason you’re over there is to study!” What you will want to say is: “No, mom, actually the main reason I am over here is so party my ass off and make many questionable decisions that may never make their way back to the states.” What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her. But, luckily, you can instead tell her that the courses while you’re abroad are about as easy as Sarah Marschner’s Intro to Theatre and Dance class and she need not worry about you passing with flying colors. NOT to mention UNH abroad classes are all pass/fail. You just can’t lose!

What about my boyfriend?

It could be that maybe you have a boyfriend that you just don’t want to leave behind in worry that you won’t stay together. My advice to you: if he’s not yours by the time you get back, he never was. You’ll never be this young again, don’t waste time!

Do I have the money for this?

And now comes the issue of money. Don’t worry if that is one of your main concerns for not being able to go abroad, financial aid is super helpful, there are thousands of scholarships available, and there are less expensive cities you can go to. You will never again have a cheaper option to live in a foreign city for four months, so take advantage and make sure you investigate all of your options.

What are the drinking laws?

Have I still not convinced you? For those of you who aren’t 21, cry no more. Two things that would never in a million years happen at UNH: getting into a bar without even having to show ID and no open container law. Genius!

Still not convinced…?

So far, I have told you about some of my favorite experiences in Europe. These are stories I am able to easily articulate to you to explain why study abroad is the best option. However, there are many other experiences of mine that are truly indescribable. I could never tell you what it feels like to climb the 70 degree angle that is Mount Vesuvius, thinking you just might keel over from the heat and exhaustion, when suddenly you look up to see the breath taking view of the top of a historic volcano and the entire, beautiful city of Pompeii.

I couldn’t possibly explain the nostalgia you feel when you sit and stare at the sparkling Eiffel Tower at night, with your best friend of 12 years and just the perfect amount of a champagne buzz running through your body.

You wouldn’t be able to understand how it feels to find yourself at the Trevi fountain in Rome, where millions of people flock to each year, and throw a coin in backwards to make the wish of a lifetime.

It’s nearly impossible to put into the words the sheer joy for living that the atmosphere and people at Oktoberfest instill permanently in your soul.

And lastly, I could never put into words how it feels to stand first row at the Patriots game at Wembley Stadium in London, and watch your favorite team absolutely dominate so closely that you can see the sweat on their faces while fans from all over the world cheer louder than you’ve ever heard. No, I couldn’t possibly explain those feelings. Those are feelings you have to experience yourself. So what are you waiting for again?

This is the general account for the University of New Hampshire chapter of Her Campus! HCXO!