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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UK chapter.

Photo By Paige Maffett


As a child, I wanted to remember all the important moments I experienced with my family and friends. I wanted to remember the emotions I felt and how my life changed. To remind my future self and keep tabs of what went on in my life, I started a journal. My goal was to write in it everyday. Unfortunately, I did not manage to keep this goal 100 percent, but journaling still became a big part of my life.


Looking back through my journal, I notice that I wrote most often when I was going through stressful times because it was a major stress-reliever. Simply writing about my life helped me get my anger out as well as celebrate fun experiences. Writing my feelings on paper gives me the ability to let go of what I cannot control. There is something about getting my thoughts down and documenting not only the pleasant memories but the bad ones as well that is extremely powerful for me. Knowing that I will always have my journal to look back and reflect on is comforting for me as I move forward and pursue my dreams.


Journaling also gives me physical proof of my growth and development as an individual. I have kept the same journal since freshman year of high school, and it is inspiring for me to look back and see how much I have transformed as a person. Reading about petty high school boy drama, adventurous summers as a camp counselor and my past trips to different countries is bittersweet. Rereading and reliving these moments helps me hold onto what has occurred in my past.


Witnessing how my writing changed as I got older and noticing the most important things to me at each stage of my life is all a part of the big picture. I think it is important to look back and see how much we have grown as individuals and journaling is an easy way to keep track of that.


Hold onto the memories you have made. Remember the lessons you have learned. Give yourself room to grow and become who you want to be. Writing is essential for me to remember and move forward in my life. I hope that you too can find peace in putting your thoughts on paper.


Hi all, I'm Paige. You could find me outside or making art. I'm inspired to take on another semester leading a great group of girls at UK!