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Your First Trip to the Gynecologist, As Told By Parks & Recreation

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UGA chapter.

Nobody likes going to the doctor, but it’s especially nerve-wracking when it’s the doctor for the parts down there. If you get nervous just going to the dentist, there’s no way that going to the gynecologist will be easy. Even if it’s only a simple yearly wellness check, going to the gyno for the first time is stressful. Let’s let the inimitable Parks & Recreation walk us through this experience. 

When the day of your appointment arrives and you can’t just cancel it…

When the nurse is taking your vitals…

When the nurse tells you that your heart rate is increased because you’re nervous…

When you’re trying to calm down as you wait for the doctor to come into the room…

When the doctor asks if you’re sexually active…

When you and the doctor are attempting small talk…

But before you know it, the exam is over and you’ve been given the “all clear” and it really wasn’t too horrible!

And then you remember you’re going to have to go this process every year for the foreseeable future.

Icon photo courtesy of NBC.

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