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Seniors Share Secrets to Success

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UFL chapter.

The end of the semester is always a crazy time. With finals, projects and packing, who has time to just sit down and reflect? Well, graduating seniors do. Whereas some of us may be complaining or stressing about the end of the semester, others are closing their college chapter completely. A little scary, huh?

After attending several banquets and end-of-year ceremonies, I have been infused with a sense of nostalgia — and I’m only a sophomore! I’ve grown close to seniors who I have to say goodbye to whether I’m ready to or not. I decided to ask a few soon-to-be Gator graduettes (see what I did there?) on what they learned most from college.
“Try to figure out what you want from college early and go for it whole heartedly. If it’s a certain club, a close group of friends or a certain honor…it doesn’t matter what it is, but it helps to focus your goals in college early.” –Sara E., Film Studies
“Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. Learn, take chances, explore. College is a time to further discover who you are. Go after what you want and don’t be afraid to fall a little short sometimes.” –Samantha M., Public Relations
“Find your family on campus and fully immerse yourself with them. I met some of my life-long friends because I dared myself to get to know someone new each chance I got. By putting your whole heart into something, you always end up winning in some small way. Don’t be scared to have people get close to you. Who said you can only have a few best friends?” –Amy B., Art History
“Study abroad if you get the chance. The experience will not only allow you to learn another language and culture, but it will also allow you to learn about yourself. I know it can be scary being in a foreign country where a foreign language is spoken and only foreigners surround you—but it will be eye-opening and life-changing. You will grow immensely as a person.” –Kristin A., Journalism