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4 Easy Ways to Get Exercise When You Have No Time or Money

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UBC chapter.

February is Heart & Stroke awareness month which means we should take time to think about health. As university students, it can be extremely challenging to make time for exercise, and it can be too expensive to buy a gym pass. But, do not fret! Here are four ways that you can meet your fitness goals without a lot of time or a gym:

1. Walk instead of using transportation 

Get off the bus early or park your car further away than you normally do to get in a few extra steps. UBC is a huge campus, so take advantage of this by walking as much as you can! 

2. Try yoga at home

There are hundreds of yoga tutorial videos on YouTube which means you can find a class suited to your level. Even ten minutes before bed will counter the impact of sitting hunched over a desk all day, so why not give it a try? (Sadly, the yogi dog is not included).  

3. Grab a friend 

Instead of sitting in a coffee shop together to catch up, take your coffee to go and walk with a friend. Talking with your bff will make the time fly by so it won’t even feel like exercise. If your friend doesn’t live near you, call them and walk while you chat on the phone. 

4. Work your abs throughout the day 

Whenever you’re sitting-which, let’s be real, is the majority of your day-try sitting up straight and tightening your abs as though you were trying to get your navel to kiss your spine. Your core is so important and, especially for women, it can be one of the hardest muscles to workout. 

I hope that this list gave you some ideas for how to squeeze in exercise. Your health is incredibly important and should always be a priority, even if you only have two minutes to spare! 


All gifs taken from giphy.com 




Samantha is a third year UBC student majoring in Political Science. Samantha loves any kind of tea, drawing, reading, and traveling to new places. Her favourite thing to do is play with animals and write stories. One day, she hopes to have traveled to every continent.