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5 Apps to Aid You in Procrastination

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

It’s that time of year again, the dreaded finals. We’re all looking for mind-numbing distractions anywhere we can get them.  More study time means less time for Netflix and a social life, but that doesn’t mean you can’t take breaks here and there, and why look any further than your Apple device? The best part is each of these apps are free!  These are five apps you’ve probably heard of, but I’m going to tell you the best ways to use them in order to further your procrastination agenda:

  1. Podcasts 

I’m sure you’ve all heard of Podcasts, but trust me, they aren’t nearly as boring as they come across. Simply download the app for your chosen device and get started. There’s something for everyone. Many comedians and celebrities have Podcasts. If you’re into a mysterious, comedic getaway, check out Welcome to Night Vale! It’ll have you in stitches and make you forget all about your exams for 20 minutes. If you’re into Youtube, check out if your favourite Youtuber has a Podcast. Many do! Not Too Deep with Grace Helbig, PsychoBabble with Tyler Oakley… the list just goes on and on.  

     2.  Twitter

Twitter is excellent for study breaks! It’s that perfect distraction if you only want to take a quick break. Even if Twitter “isn’t your thing”, simply having an account to follow News, celebrities, and public figures can be extremely satisfying.  

    3.  Tinder 

I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t really “get” tinder, but both times I’ve downloaded the app have been during finals when I just needed a little distraction. If you’re single, and the idea of playing a real life game of “Hot or Not” with nearby cuties interests you, then I highly recommend. The instant gratification of getting matches while studying in your sweats is pretty sweet too! 

    4.  Kim Kardashian: Hollywood 

Another app that I deleted the second I finished my finals, but it sure did the trick when I needed it. This game is pointless, and totally addicting. It gives you something mindless to do for a quick break while your mind is swimming with 17th-Century Literature or Biology. It really is a fun little game. Games like these are great because they are time based, you can do several things for five minutes, and then wait for those “tasks” to be complete (usually 15, 30, 60 minute increments).

    5.  Tumblr
Use this app to see funny Cat gifs or quotes from your favourite movies and shows. My favourite time killing use for this app is checking the tags of whatever large event is happening in the Celebrity or Political world. Seeing perspectives on from across the world on anything from Ferguson to Taylor Swift leaving Spotify is a great way to get out of your own head and give your mind a much-needed break. 



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