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DeAnthony Hardison: Freshman, Football Man, Future Doctor

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.

From his dream of becoming a doctor since, to his acceptance at U of M, and passion for football, DeAnthony Hardison offers both mind and matter. He has chosen to share a little more about himself, and what he hopes to find in some lucky lady!  

Q: What’s the most challenging thing about being a student-athlete?
A: I don’t think it has anything to do with putting being a student before an athlete or vice versa. I’ve been playing football my whole life so now it just comes to down performing on the field as well as getting accepted into Medical School. 
Q: What are your future career plans?
A: I’ve wanted to go to Med School since I was in seventh grade, so that’s my main focus now.  Hopefully I’ll get in somewhere down South. 
Q: What is the main thing you look for in a girl?
A: Physically I take into account what her hair looks like, and her facial features. Character-wise I look for loyalty and interest.
Q: Does being a football player at a Big Ten School help you get girls?
A: No, because I would never use being a football player as a pick-up line. 
Q: Where would you take a girl on the first date?
A: Depends on what they like, but for a first date ideally I’d choose something casual like bowling and then maybe dinner at the Blue Tractor.
Q: What things do you do to show interest in a girl?
A: I think first impressions are very important, so I’d hope to make good conversation the first chance I get, that way I’d get the opportunity to let her know who I am and why I’m interested. The first take is kind of like an interview; you’re both feeling each other out to some extent, and deciding what you like, and possibly, what you don’t. 
Q: How do you feel about kissing on the first date?
A: It depends on who she is. If I think she’s self-respectable and if we’ve had that good of a date then I’d be all for it.
Q: Do you like when a girl makes the first move, or would you rather her leave that to you?
A: I love when a girl makes the first move! If I like her too it’s like skipping the “find out if she’s interested” step, and getting right to becoming familiar with each other.
Q: Does a girl’s history matter to you i.e. how much baggage can you handle?
A: Yes it matters. I want to know that she respects herself and expects me to do the same.
Q: Do you look for commitment or just a good time?
A: Depends on what kind of vibe I get from her. If she seems like the kind of girl worth my energy and commitment, then I’ll commit, but if I feel like she just seems like she wants to pass time, I can go that route as well. 
Q: Name three things you consider an absolute “must” when looking to commit.
A: 1. Honestly and loyalty
     2. Classy and respectable
     3. Attractive 
Q: How long would it take you to consider taking a girl home?
A: I think that would vary depending on the kind of relationship I have with her. But in general I’d say at least four months of steady, committed dating.
Come Football Season keep your eye out for #18 ladies! Never know when Mr. Athlete-scholar might make an appearance. Go Blue!