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8 Ways to Stay off the Washington County App

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Arkansas chapter.

Getting drunk in today’s society is not only accepted, but it is encouraged. Being that chick at the party who can take shots is not a bad thing. It is okay to go have fun with your friends. What is exceedingly more accepted *cringe* is being on (what Fayetteville people know and love as) “wash co.” It’s a tradition up on the Hill to wake up after a night of poor life choices and see who did not quite make it out completely unscathed from their night of debauchery. Safety comes first, as no amount of fun is worth dealing with lawyers and angry phone calls from mom and dad. Below are the most helpful tips my two years of college knowledge has bestowed upon me in my avoidance of the “wash co” mug shot. 

1. Wear heels that don’t make you look like Bambi.

Seriously, it’s a life changer. Wear a heel that YOU can walk in. If you can rock an 8 inch stiletto, girl, you work that 8 inch stiletto. But if you are like me, I look drunk, regardless of alcohol consumption, whenever I wear heels. So I rock it my 4 inch somewhat-high heels down Dickson. 

2. When you see the flashing red lights, seriously – abort mission.

If you are walking down frat row and a cop car slowly approaches you and your clique, slowly walk back into the closest dorm/fraternity house. It is best to not be walking around late at night for long periods of time. Nothing screams “Public Intoxication Ticket” than a group of girls wandering aimlessly at 3 a.m.


Do not, do not, do not, have a beer in your hand. It is the easiest way to get an MIP (minor in possession). Especially on game days! You think it’s fine because you see other people doing it, but it can get you (and the fraternities) in trouble. Also, taking shots is a fun pastime, but do not have handles while you are walking around. Put absolutely everything in a red or unmarked cup.

4. It’s called a PRE-game, not the entire game.

Do not pregame to the point of incoherence. It is a marathon, not a sprint. You have all night to drink. It’s fun to take shots, but let’s not have to call a medical transport. It is best to keep it at a tipsy range. Don’t be that girl who blacks out before 9 p.m. She will not be asked back.

5. Dedication to your poor choices

This goes back to rule number 1, but honestly, I do not care if your feet hurt from walking in heels all night. KEEP YOUR SHOES ON. You wanted to wear them so badly, so stick with that decision.

6. When told to leave, GTFO.

Risk management is there for a reason: to control you hoodlums that can’t control your alcohol consumption. If someone says you are too intoxicated, the appropriate response is not a slew of profanity ridden comments, the appropriate response is to call a friend/taxi to save you the embarrassment of a mug shot.


7. Good party people are more valuable than good liquor.

A good party person has distinct qualities that makes them such. It consists of, most importantly, not leaving you. Don’t go out with people who could care less about where you end up. That does not mean be a leech and follow your friends around all night, but it means to have a good base of people who generally care about your wellbeing.

8. Download the Washington County App

This should scare you enough to follow my advice.

University of Arkansas Kappa Delta attempting to go through college while maintaining a social life.