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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.



A night out as a college student is broken down into parts. There’s the pre-pre game where you’re home with your girlfriends, picking out outfits and swapping clothes. Your outfits and makeup are perfect and you head to the next stage: the pre-game. There’s music, dancing and most importantly alcohol. For the next few hours it’s just friends and socializing. But eventually, the roommates want to go to bed or someone gets too drunk and the group has to head out to the bars. There, you catch up with friends you haven’t seen for awhile, dance, play pool etc. While out it’s inevitable that items are lost. Phones, purses, Ids but unfortunately so are our social graces. We forget that specific people have complete control over whether your night is good or bad. In other words, the bartenders are forgotten about. 


I’m only writing so your next outing is better than the last. To get on the good side of the bartender, here are a few tips! 


1.Tip well

If you tip well the first round of drinks, a bartender is sure to remember you. The question is, what’s an appropriate tip amount? Anywhere between one and two dollars per drink is acceptable and will keep them happy.

2. Don’t take up bar space

If you’re not buying a drink, move away from the bar. The more drink orders filled the better a bartender’s night, that’s their job after all. Nothing is more frustrating then when people take up space that could be occupied by those getting drinks. 

3. Don’t be a backseat bartender, let them do their job

Bartenders know what they’re doing. Saying “make it a little stronger” or don’t skimp on the alcohol” is a sure way to annoy those making your drink. 


Annoying the bartender leads them to ignore you for the rest of the night. If you don’t exist, you don’t get drinks and if you don’t get drinks, your night is over. Moral of the story, be nice and tip well. 


P.S. On a lighter note, two drinks that our local college bartenders enjoy making include a 10 with a 2 and long island iced tea. If you’ve never ordered either, you may just have to start tonight!



Her Campus Tulane