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“The Mind of Jake Paul”: Is he truly a Sociopath? (Part I)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.

Spoiler alert for the first 5 episodes; you’ve been warned!

Shane Dawson’s new docuseries has been topping the trending pages of YouTube and other media outlets as of late.

His previous works like “The Secret World of Jeffree Star” and “The Truth about Tanacon” have garnered new fans and also brought back old viewers to his channel.

Recently, the most anticipated series on Shane’s channel is “The Mind of Jake Paul.”

In this 8 part series, Shane Dawson dives deep into the world of Jake Paul and Team 10. The topic on hand is whether or not Jake is a sociopath. 

Jake Paul has been the talk of YouTube for some time now, along with his brother Logan. Their content usually consists of over-the-top stunts, crazy pranks, and lots and lots of drama.

Shane’s docuseries focuses on the drama and is also working to “spill the tea” about all the controversial things that come with Jake Paul.

So far, there has only been 5 episodes and there has been a lot of content leading up to meeting and talking to Jake.

Most of the episodes have been expositional about the basics of Jake and what he does. But the real drama was revealed in episodes 2 and 4 of the series.

In episode 2, Shane meets with a therapist to get a rundown on sociopaths and if Jake fits the mold. Let’s just say the episode didn’t truly go over well with many watchers.

A general consensus with watchers (including myself) was that there wasn’t enough tea. So, because of those responses, Shane delivered the tea with episode 4 dealing with the enemies of Jake.

Shane interviews Nick Crompton, a close friend of Jake and former member of Team 10, and the tea delivered.

Nick explained some of the most-asked questions and conspiracies dealing with the Martinez twins, Alissa Violet, his video content and whether Jerika is real or not. Spoiler alert: Jerika is real and the Martinez twins were supposedly lying.

After watching these past 5 episodes, I can say that I do not think that Jake Paul is a sociopath. 

Jake might seem like the most horrible person on the internet, but in all honesty he’s just your average annoying 21-year-old. His behavior in his videos is less than desirable, but (somehow) kids love it. 

He isn’t a sociopath because of the simple fact that his entire channel is in theory, just an act. To me, Jake is just that one crazy kid from high school who hasn’t finished growing up yet. Let’s hope he does.

This series has 3 more episodes to go and I will admit that I’m dying to see how this ends.