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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Susqu chapter.

I have seen a lot of different articles regarding this topic on Her Campus, so I decided to give in to peer pressure and write my goals and “bucket list” for my four years at college.

1. Maintain a 3.0 GPA (or Higher!!)

Not to flex or anything, but I was a straight-A student in high school, which is something I am honestly very proud of. I would like to still be that kind of student during my time at college. It is extremely important for me to earn this GPA for my major as well, so it is a very good goal. Though I know grading and work in general in college is completely different (and a lot harder) than high school, but hopefully, my study skills and note-taking skills will still prevail.

2. Make Friends that Last a Lifetime

I’m currently struggling in that department, but I am hopeful, as it is still early in my college career. Both my parents and siblings have told stories about meeting their best friends in college, and I want that. I have always been a shy individual, but I am trying to put myself out there and meet new people. Like last Friday night, I went on a Target run at 10 pm with people I had met that night, and I had fun. I also went to a football game with some girls from my major. I am joining clubs, hopefully getting a job, and more which will hopefully lead to a few great friends.

3. Stay Connected to My High School Friends

I went to the same school with the same people for nine years. Spending nine years with the same group of people is bound to lead to friendships forming. Some of my best friends were made over those nine years, and some of my best memories are with my high school friends. I want to keep those friendships strong even though all of our lives are changing and shifting. Currently, I try to catch up with my pals at least once a week. Though this will probably change too, I hope I still have my old friends to lean on when college life gets hard.

4. Get Involved on Campus

I had very little “school spirit” in high school, so being excited for school is something that is very important to me. I hope to join quite a few clubs on campus (hopefully that will lead to making friends too!), including Her Campus (obviously), Best Buddies, Residence Life and more. I will be sure to keep you guys updated on my progress on this goal.

5. Learn a New Skill

This one is pretty self-explanatory, but still a major one in what I want to do in my four years here. I do not know what skill I want to learn yet, but I have four years to figure it out so… 

6. Get All the Free T-Shirts I Can

This one sounds silly, but free stuff is cool and exciting. So far, in free t-shirts, I am 4/4. It is just rewarding knowing that you were one of the first persons to an event and get rewarded by free stuff! Definitely makes college worth it. I also plan on buying a lot of more spirit shirts at the bookstore because as I said in #4, school spirit!!

7. Be Happy

There are a lot of moving parts in this goal, but I think it is still achievable. This will probably be fulfilled when or during the other goals are met. In high school, I worried too much about grades, what other people thought of me, my faults, and more. Now, I want to focus on the positive side of things. So far, I am really loving my college life, and hopefully, that translates to general happiness.


So that is my list of goals I have for myself during my college career. I think they are pretty manageable, but who really knows. Four years is a lot of time, and a lot of changes will happen, but I am ready for it.


Writers are contributing from Susquehanna University