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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Suffolk chapter.



(Image from: https://mom2.com/wp-content/uploads/boston-common.jpg)

Since moving to Boston, I have strived to take full advantage of the beautiful Boston Common and Public Gardens located right below my window.  I try to go on runs as much as I can force myself to, but I hate cardio just as much as the next girl. If you are serious about getting that fit summer figure, I’m sorry to have to tell you that, but now is the time to start!  If you’re looking for a workout that will shape your booty and give you that six pack you deserve, search no further! Being a workout fanatic, here are some of my favorite exercises that are sure to set you on the right path.

Warm up:


-Jog: 1 mile

Ab Circuit (repeat 3x):

-Lying oblique reach: 100 reps

-Crunches: 50 reps

-Plank: 60 seconds

-Leg raises: 25 reps

-Push-ups: 10 reps

Glute Circuit (repeat 3x):

-squats: 100 reps

-climb stairs: 10x

-sumo squats: 50 reps

-jump squats: 10 reps



Suffolk 2023