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Flashback Friday – The 1990s

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Suffolk chapter.


An ongoing rivalry that might be even greater than that of the Red Sox and Yankees, is between kids of the 90s and kids of the 2000s.  Sure, kids of the 2000s have iPhones, Rock Band, and high-speed Internet, but kids of the 90s had Beanie Babies, scrunchies, and Boy Meets World.  Kids of the 2000s could argue that because of iPhones and video games that their childhoods were better, but they’d be wrong.  As 90s kids, we will never be ashamed of the decade we grew up in and will defend it until the day we die!

Anyone could agree that the 90s were a questionable time for fashion.  We can all look back on our overalls and skorts with deep regret, but I think we can all come to the agreement that scrunchies, jellies, and mood rings were highlights of 90s fashion.  It’s hard to remember a day when my pony wasn’t held in place by a pink scrunchie or a ring wasn’t determining my mood.  Sure scrunchies weren’t really practical, (after all you had to fix your pony every forty-five minutes) but a 90s girl wasn’t caught dead without one.

Perhaps the saddest part of the 2000s is television – can we agree?  Before shows like Teen Mom and Honey Boo Boo, we had shows like Boy Meets World, The Amanda Show, and The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.  Kids could count on Mr. Feeney teaching them a great life lesson and Will Smith making them laugh on a daily basis.  Also, what was better than 90s cartoons on Nickelodeon?  The answer is simple: nothing! A few friends and I came across an episode of Rugrats the other night, and being true 90s kids, we were compelled to watch it and enjoyed every minute of it!  I’m willing to bet that even kids of the 2000s would love a little Tommy Pickles in their lives.

Before the Internet, video games, and iPhones ruled the lives of our youth, we 90s kids had Moon Shoes, Beanie Babies, and Tamagotchies.  We didn’t have to rely on technology to entertain us; we knew how to entertain ourselves!  We pretended to be the first person walking on the moon, played zookeeper with our Beanie Babies, never forgot to feed our digital pets, and we weren’t high scorers in anything other than Sonic.

The hardest decision of the 90s?  *NSYNC versus Backstreet Boys and Britney versus Christina.  Deep down almost everyone loved them all, but that was frowned upon. You stated your loyalty and it was considered a sin to switch. Even now, a true 90s girl would feel uneasy about saying she liked both *NSYNC and Backstreet Boys.

Everything about the 90s was better, period.  Court dismissed – bring in the dancing lobsters!

Major: Communications Academic Year: 2016