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Make This Quarter Your Healthiest One Yet

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SPU chapter.

Make this quarter the healthiest one yet and start 2016 off right.

1.     Make Time to Exercise

Source: http://healthycentralflorida.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/mec-spring-_u4a3495-running.jpg

Whether its three times a week or everyday, make a commitment to being active. The best way to keep yourself on track is to schedule time for this every week – put it in your planner! You can also convince a few friends to join you, this will help keep you accountable as well.

2.     Get Enough Sleep

Source: http://curiousasacathy.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Get-Enough-Sleep-300×200.jpg

Some of us can survive on 5 hours a night, some of us can’t. Learn what works for you and make a commitment to getting enough sleep each night. This means you might miss out on a midnight snack run here and there, but trust me when I say that you’ll be grateful when you wake up rested and without a stomach ache from two big macs.

3.     Start Getting Up 30 Minutes Earlier  

Source: http://static1.squarespace.com/static/544f974de4b0f6888278217c/t/553a5092e4b0252fc619d091/1429885205589/Morning+Rituals+Coffee+Journal

On top of getting enough sleep, getting up a little earlier can lead to a more productive day – not to mention it gives your brain time to actually wake up before class. Grab a cup of coffee and use this time to journal, to get in a quick ab workout, or simply as a chance to get a little alone time.

4.     Drink More Water!

Source: http://www.institutefornaturalhealing.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/5-reasons-to-drink-more-water-everyday.jpg

Staying hydrated is one of the most important and easiest things to do. Your skin and metabolism will improve, you’ll feel fuller for longer, and it will keep your mind and body energized throughout the day. Staying hydrated also helps with fighting off sickness.

5.     Commit to Eating Better  

Source: http://edge.ua.edu/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/saladbar.jpg

I know, the pizza in the cafeteria looks amazing and it is oh so hard to resist. While it is perfectly fine to indulge every now and then, its important to expand your food choices to healthier options. The salad bar is a great place to start. Skip the ranch dressing and choose oil and vinegar instead. There is also typically some sort of chicken and rice option available.

6.     Don’t Procrastinate

Source: http://whyamilazy.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/procrastination.jpg

Seriously! This will help lower your stress levels x1000 which will lead to better sleep, better eating habits, and since you won’t feel like you are short on time 24/7 it will be easier to find time to work out. Procrastinating is a deep, dark hole that is very easy to slip into, but give planning a chance – it will change your life.

Hi everyone! My name is Amber Nickerson. I'm a puppy obsessed, coffee loving, Apparel Merchandising major at SPU. In my free time you can find me writing for my personal style blog, running or biking my stress away, or getting way too emotionally attached to Grey's Anatomy characters.
Hello world! I am Samantha, and I'm a junior Journalism major and Fashion Merchandising and Apparel Design minor at Seattle Pacific University. I was born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii, and lived there for 16 years before moving to the PNW. I competed in figure skating for 16 years, and now teach students of all ages how to figure skate. I am is also greatly involved in the Seattle Dance community, performing on three different dance companies including Breed Seattle, Westlake Dance Theater/Twisted Elegance, and Ante-Up Performance Group. I am currently the President of an up-and-coming club at the University, Ante-Up Dance Club, that is greatly involved in on and off campus events. I love anything and everything fitness, fashion, and dance related.