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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sonoma chapter.

By this time next month we will all be finishing up finals and enjoying a nice, long and much needed summer break…but that’s still all next month.  Most of us are now suffering from a severe case of second semesteritis that completely trumps the senioritis we all experienced in high school!  Our 8 AM classes don’t seem to be as important as they once were and our homework gets left behind images of us lying on the beach soaking up the much needed sunshine after all this damn rain! Here are the 6 stages we have all experienced of second semesteritis:


  1. You may have started out strong, but eventually:


2. What 8 a.m class…?


3. Where you are typically found Monday-Thursday:


4. And Friday through Sunday:


5. When the teacher says the final is cumulative:

6. The summer break countdown…

But in all seriousness, summer break is a month away which means one more month of school, so remember to crack down and find time to actually dedicate to your schoolwork!  The semester will be over before you know it!


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My name is Ashley Napier and I am a writer for the Her Campus Sonoma State chapter.
Contributor account for HC Sonoma