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How to Get Re-motivated After Spring Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Siena chapter.

Spring is in the air! After time off it can sometimes be difficult to get back in the swing of things. Here are some ways to get re-motivated! 

Look at a calendar!

See how many weeks are left of the semester and think about the goals you want to accomplish. Now is the perfect time to get on top of classwork and boost your grades before the stress of final exams and major papers sets in.

Set Goals

Look at your class syllabi now so you know ahead of time about all your final papers and projects. Write down the due dates and set goals to accomplish them. If you start now the last few weeks of school will be less stressful and you can spend more time enjoying the weather.  With the spring comes the reality that another year of college will be over. Find ways to spend time with friends while you still can. There are plenty of ways to be social and productive at the same time. Start conversations about your goals and encourage your friends to share theirs. You can hold each other accountable and help each other accomplish them. Form study groups, work out together, have a friend teach you something they are good at, study, and get some sun outside together—these are all ways that will help you all come out on top at the end of the semester.


Also take a look at some personal goals. Now is the time to start your last ditch effort on a beach bod. Set aside time to finally get to the gym or better yet take advantage of the thawing weather and get outside. Play Frisbee or another outside game with friends or go for a jog around campus. Even a brisk walk in between studying will do wonders. Finding ways to get active is so much easier in the spring and it doesn’t have to be hard or depressing. With spring comes a whole array of tasty healthy food choices. Doesn’t the warm air just make you crave fruit and veggies? Spring is colorful! Add some color to your meals! Swap out the winter comfort food for all the seasonal goodness. You will feel so much better and more energized to knock out all your work.

Make sure you reward yourself for a job well done.  Spring doesn’t mean you need to ditch Netflix entirely! If you accomplish your goals there is no reason not to “treat yo self” a little. Have a chipotle date with your friends or go grab froyo (if you load it up with fruit it counts as healthy right…?).