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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Savannah chapter.

 Have you ever heard as a women, young lady, or even a girl what you were supposed to be doing or how you were supposed to look. I’m sure at least once in your life someone has told you that what you were doing or wearing wasn’t appropriate for your gender.Most of us were taught to live our lives based on the norms. We have been built up to believe that we are what society says we are. We’ve been told that there is a certain way that women are supposed to carry themselves in public, how we are supposed to wear our hair, how we should get our nails, that our faces should be perfect, what music or shows we must like to be considered cool, and a million other regulations that should be forgotten.

 Society has a way of pinning its insecurities on us. We see magazines that are retouched dozens of times with celebrities who we assume are perfect. We always fail to realize that they are human too and have flaws. As women we tend to sink into our insecurities and let them overtake our lives. What we must do is empower ourselves when no one else will. Uplift ourselves even when we don’t feel like it. Sometimes you have to be your own inspiration. Sometimes you may have to write yourself little notes of encouragement or even give yourself pep talks throughout your day. Do whatever it takes to make your self feel good. Tell yourself that you are beautiful before anyone has the chance to and believe it! Compliment yourself on your own style and intelligence. 

 What I’m trying to say is BE YOU! Forget the guidelines. Forget what people might say or think about you. You are the only one who’s opinion really matters when it comes to you. Define your own style and personality and live out loud. So paint your nails however you want, wear your hair wild and untamed, but those daring high heels, wear bright lipstick, sing out loud, dance like it’s going to be the last time, and live your life!