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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sacred Heart chapter.

We all know what time of year it is again. It is time for holiday themed parties, reuniting with old friends and family, and gaining that winter break weight from the month’s home cooked meals and holiday desserts. A wonderful time of year indeed, but this most joyous time is also accompanied by one of the most dreaded weeks known among college students everywhere: finals week. This week, commonly referred to “Hell Week,” consists of unavoidable mental breakdowns and dreaded all-nighters. While some may ease the pain with coffee, junk food, and constant complaining, many of us forget the biggest stress reliever of all: some good ol’ exercise. Working out benefits your attention span and it also releases endorphins, which are the same chemicals released when you are happy and relaxed. I know that taking a break from studying may sound terrifying, but it just might help you. During one of my recent mid-study breakdowns, a friend of mine cured some of my finals week stress using a stress-relieving workout regime. This exercise plan will change Hell Week as you know it, so without further ado, let us begin…

The Study Stress Relief Kick-Ass Workout:

Every time you….

Say “screw this”: 10 push-ups

Consider changing majors: 20 jumping jacks

Get sidetracked: 10 squats

Have an existential crisis: 45-second plank

Can’t find the answer on the first page of Google: 30-second wall sit while holding your heaviest textbook



Happy finals!


Courtesy of Domenique Watkins

Sacred Heart

Sacred Heart '24

The official contributor profile for the Her Campus chapter at Sacred Heart.