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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sacred Heart chapter.

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I find myself putting off an assignment for nearly hours on end. It’s the kind of procrastination where you just sit there, debating whether or not you are mentally prepared to start a tedious assignment. It gets to the point where it just would have been easier to get it done with, rather than spending all that time thinking about it. If you find yourself in this situation, here are a few ways to be productive while procrastinating the long-dreaded assignment.


Clean Your Room

They say, a clean space equals a clear mind, so, it’s time to get cleaning! Personally, I am a very organized person and making a bed is a part of my morning routine. It is a nice way to remind myself that even on my slowest days, at least I made my bed. After all, small victories are just as significant as the big ones. Whether you choose to just make your bed, or vacuum and Swiffer until your floors are socially acceptable to eat off, well, that is entirely up to you; all that matters is now you have a clean room and a clear mind.

Meal Prep

If you live in off-campus housing and don’t necessary rely on the dining hall for every meal, then this tip is definitely one for you. Balancing academics and extracurriculars, while maintaining a social life and your personal well-being can be quite the load to juggle at times. Meal prepping is a major key to feeling as though your sh*t is together, especially during the week. So, if you’re really feeling those Sunday scaries and aren’t ready to start those last-minute assignments, then take some time to prep your meals for the week; I promise you will feel a lot better.

Do Laundry

You might as well get a load of laundry out of the way if you’re not in the mindset to start homework. It might not be on the top of your to-do list but might as well get it out of the way while you mentally prepare to start your assignments. If you’re really getting into the cleaning routine, grab a plastic bag and clean out your closet! One of the best ways to clear your mind is to clean out your closest and donate what you no longer need.


If you are feeling stressed and overwhelmed from school, take a break and exercise your body. Working out is universally known to be an effective stress reliever, as it boosts your production of endorphins, resulting in relief and a feel-good mood. Not only will this give you a break from the books, but it will leave you feeling both physically and mentally good!

While it is incredibly important to stay on top of your academic responsibilities, it is also necessary to step away and take care of yourself if you are feeling drained. These four tips are great ways to remain productive while taking a bit procrastination break. 

Sacred Heart student from Mass, sharing my thoughts and interests with others on Her Campus :)
Sacred Heart

Sacred Heart '24

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