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Hidden Life Lessons in “The Office”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sacred Heart chapter.

As a naive middle-schooler, I never understood why so many people thought the popular TV show, “The Office” was so funny. My older brother in specific, who was in college at the time, was always laughing hysterically at the show, and I would always wonder why. However, because I look up to my older brother, I wanted to watch the same TV shows as him. Which is why I was disappointed that I did not understand the concept of his favorite show nor did I enjoy it. 

Six years later, I am now the college student, and I finally understand. “The Office” has become the show that I watch every night before bed- and I would be lying to you if I said I only watch one episode each night (five sounds more realistic). The sarcastic humor makes me laugh out loud, but I have come to realize there is so much more to the show than that. I have learned some pretty valuable life lessons throughout the series, too.

1. No matter how bad your day gets, a little humor always has the ability to make you smile and turn your mood around. 


2. Most people despise waking up early and dragging themselves to work, but this doesn’t always have to be the case. Work can be a fun place filled with longtime friends! 


3. Honesty truly is the best policy- well, most of the time. 

4.  A little competition is healthy.5. Always be yourself. Being unique is what will make you stand out from the crowd.


6. Leadership is a key quality to achieve success. 


7. Be creative and think outside of the box! 


8. Life goes by fast, so always live it to the fullest. You never know when a moment will quickly turn into a memory. 


9. With some self-confidence, you can be anyone or do anything! 


10. Positivity is essential for happiness. The sky is the limit when it comes to what you can accomplish with a positive self image. 


So now you see, “The Office” is great for some laughs- but if you dig a little deeper, you’ll find some pretty great life lessons hidden in the storyline too!


Sacred Heart

Sacred Heart '24

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