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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Toronto MU chapter.


By: Julia Gonsalves

Love is a common dream we all share. We are exposed to love immediately from the moment we are born. It is immersed into our culture and becomes part of our everyday lives. 

As we grow up, we fantasize of finding our soulmate; someone we will grow old with. We dream that only death will separate us from this person.

But in reality, more of us fall out of love than in it. Our happily ever after that we so desperately pine for looks more like a fantasy than reality. 

We are left to question, why do we fall out of love?

Love can fail for a number of reasons. Sometimes they were not who you thought they were. Their seemingly perfect sense of humour was more problematic than you’d expected. 

Or perhaps they lied to you. Maybe their online dating profile stated they were eighteen but in actuality they were not. There are so many possibilities why love does not prevail.

To me personally, I think the most common reason people fall out of love is for the same reasons they fell in the first place. The sponitunity that person had later reveals itself as immaturity. The intelligence they always displayed makes them look like a know-it-all. The laidback attitude they had turns into laziness. 

The things you used to admire about a person became their biggest flaws. We like to think that this person will make our lives easier. We like to think that love is easy.

In reality, love is hard. Love takes so much work and effort. The fairytales we watch as a child make love look as if it is as simple as a true love’s kiss. What they don’t show is how that love can break a couple. 

We have to learn to act selflessly and bravely in order to maintain love. We have to be able to learn and grow with a person. We need to accept someone’s triumphs and failures. Relationships force us to be patient and most importantly, to love unconditionally.

If love were as simple as a true love’s kiss, it would never be worth it. True love knows hardship and takes heartbreak and flourishes. It grows, adapts and becomes stronger. 


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