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How to Study for Exams Without Going Insane

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Toronto MU chapter.


The trees are lit, we’ve seen snow and the temperature has dropped below zero. The holiday is upon us, but while it brings festivity and fun it also carries the baggage of exam season. Honestly, so rude. But, hey, we are paying to be here so might as well do well, right? So, these are some tips and ways that I study that might help you out as well.

First of all, if you’re one to study on your bed: stop. Move to a desk or a library or head right back to school and study there. Studying on your bed or even in your room isn’t good. You associate your room with comfort and sleep, not studying. You don’t wanna be studying for exams in the same place you sleep because then you 1. Won’t study all that well because your mind doesn’t associate your room with studying or 2. You’ll have trouble sleeping because your mind will then associate your bed with stress and studying not sleep and relaxation.

Now that you’ve found a place to study, we have to set the mood. We need good vibes. So,  if you’re like me and total silence causes you to distract yourself and get antsy, then put on some music. Personally, I turn on some rock or heavy metal – somehow that causes me to focus and study – but I know a lot of my friends will use classical music or movie scores. Some need absolute silence to study as well. It’s all about finding what works best for you and setting up your surroundings for your personal success.

Speaking of surroundings, who are you surrounded by? I cannot study with people. I start talking and, again, find that I just end up distracting myself. Why would I want to study when I can just talk to my friends?

Now for tackling distractions. You’re not hungry, you’re just bored. Take some snacks with you and stop taking unnecessary breaks to start making whatever food you’re suddenly in the mood for that you know takes a while to make.

Also, turn off your phone!

Put it on sleep mode. Allow for certain people’s calls to go through, sure, but, on the whole, you don’t need to look at your phone. That notification will still be there when you’re done. The world isn’t going through the next major thing that you must know about while you’re studying history dates.

And, honestly, just relax. You’re life won’t end if you don’t get 90 per cent. Studying all day and depriving yourself of healthy meals and a break every once in a while won’t benefit you. You can’t overwork yourself and end up surprised that you’re cranky, stressed, and forgetful during your test. Just take a breather; you’ll do just fine.

Zeinab Fakih

Toronto MU '21

Hey y'all! My name is Zeinab and I am a writer for HerCampus and Ryerson. An Aquarius who is ready to share all her opinions and experiences.  Enjoy! Feel free to follow me on Instagram @zeinab_jawad and YouTube at Zeinab Fakih.