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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Queen's U chapter.

1. Pick a topic nobody really cares about or makes much difference to the world.


2. Pick a very random number (not a whole number).


3. Write down any thing that is even remotely relevant, even if  especially if it’s too obvious to even note down.


4. Make sure you are very stressed. Stress and a full plate make the perfect condition and only condition under which you can and should write a listicle.


5. Only write max three sentences for each number. Otherwise, you got paragraphs, and those are for articles.


6. Do not go in order. What, you think it’s supposed to be logically laid out and all that jazz?


7. Go meta: refer to points in the list when you’re on other points. We live in a post-modern world, after all.


8. Don’t have a real concluding point—leave ‘em hanging.

9. Add images and gif. Because you know, words are hard.


Lover of bricks, stationery, and bottles.