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Book Preview: Beast

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PS Berks chapter.

I am about a quarter of the way through reading Beast. Here’s what I have to say so far.


  1. The premise of the book is odd

It’s rare for me to read a male main character. He reminds me of a werewolf from Twilight, honestly. He’s really big, and furry. Unfortunately, he doesn’t turn into a werewolf (yet).

  1. “Therapy” was not what I thought

The idea behind the book is that he has to go to self-harm group therapy, and he meets a girl, Jamie, there. I thought the book would be a lot about therapy, but so far, it’s not.

  1. He has strange friends

His best friend, JP, really just likes him because he beats people up for JP. The girls make fun of him for being so hairy. It’s a strange split from what you typically see in a YA book.


Look for the review next week!

Megan Antosy is a junior at Penn State Berks double majoring in Business with an option in Marketing and Management, and Professional writing. She also has minors in Entrepreneurship and Women's Studies. When she isn't busy writing or editing articles for HC, you can find her on the beach, reading a book, taking a nap, or drinking tea. She is also Co-CC.