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5 Ways to get out of your Dorm Room/House Earlier

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PS Berks chapter.

It always happens: I wake up early in the morning so that I can get out of my house on time, and I always get messed up. Either I decide that I need to tell mom stories about my day, the phone rings, or I get an email that needs a response. Here are some ways that can help you to get out of the house earlier.


  1. Eat the same thing for breakfast.

I always have a bagel with peanut butter, blueberries, and apple juice. Always. I never have to think about what to eat. I also recommend eating breakfast if you can. I get hungry soon after I do that, but at least I know that I’ve had something to eat that morning.

    2. Have a routine.

Know what you do from the minute you crawl out of bed before you walk out your door. I get up and read the newspaper. I then attach myself to my phone until I realize that I really need to eat breakfast or I’m going to be late.

    3. Pick your outfit out the night before.

I used to be really into doing this, but I’ve been getting away from it. I lay out anything I need to put on in the morning so I don’t have to think about it. I generally always wear the same makeup. It takes the guesswork out of getting ready. Also, this helps if you exercise in the morning. If you have your clothes all laid out, it’s harder to come up with an excuse for not working out.

    4. Pack your book bag/purse the night before.

It makes things so much easier. I lay out things that I may need to look at in the morning, like my planner, but everything else is packed. This ensures that I don’t forget anything. In the morning, I usually just need to grab my water bottle, snacks, and pack a book.

     5. Put your keys in the same spot

I always have my lanyard aside of my backpack. I never have to worry about finding it on the days that I have a car.


Good luck this semester! Using these tips will help you to not be late for class, or, worse yet, get locked out of your classroom

Megan Antosy is a junior at Penn State Berks double majoring in Business with an option in Marketing and Management, and Professional writing. She also has minors in Entrepreneurship and Women's Studies. When she isn't busy writing or editing articles for HC, you can find her on the beach, reading a book, taking a nap, or drinking tea. She is also Co-CC.