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Airplane Essentials

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pace chapter.

I may be a rare breed of human but, I find flying to be one of my favorite therapeutic experiences. I know not everyone feels this way, actually, flying for many people means a mix of anxiety, alcohol and melatonin-induced naps. One of my favorite things about flying is not having phone service. Flying is one of the only sacred places where absolutely no one can reach you for an extended period of time. I love using this time to focus on things that are typically interrupted by non-stop messages and notifications on my phone. Whether you are comfortable on planes or hate the experience in its entirety, here are some helpful essentials to make your flying experience a little more enjoyable! 


No matter where you are going, there’s no denying the fact that planes get cold because of the altitude in which they travel. Every flight gets chilly once you reach a certain height. I always carry a pair of big fuzzy socks to keep my toes warm, no one likes cold feet (let alone for five hours)! 


This is definitely my number one essential. I find it easier to fall asleep when I have music blasting in my ears. Also, headphones are perfect for streaming films, TV shows or even audio books – the perfect way to kill time. Picking the perfect take off song is one of my favorite things to do! Distract yourself from your anxieties of flying and transport into a whole new world with your favorite playlist. 


No Wi-Fi? No problem -I like to keep busy on flights because I have no distractions. Starting a new book is the perfect way to kick off any trip. Plus, time will fly once you dive into a good book! 


I’m an artist so I always keep my sketchbook on me. I never know what I’ll come across and want to sketch or when I’ll get a spark of inspiration for a piece. A sketch from a specific place is also a cool memento to keep or give as a gift. 

Pocket Size Journal 

Sometimes trips abroad pass so quickly it’s easy to forget the little moments you appreciate about a specific area. I always keep my pocket size journal in my crossbody to jot down and journal my days. My head is in the clouds when I travel; journaling keeps me present and in the moment. It’s fun looking back on trips through pictures but, words give nice detail. 

Chap Stick 

There’s no denying the dry air on planes. Keep your lips hydrated and have chapstick on hand! Nothing is worse than chapped lips when you’re travelling. 


Have those shades ready for your grand entrance at your destination! 

Neck Pillow 

Everyone hates stiff necks. Nap safely and comfortably with a donut neck pillow.  If you don’t have a pillow, bring a sweatshirt to roll up as neck support. You’ll  thank me later when you sleep like a baby! 

Portable Charger 

You can’t listen to music or watch movies if your phone is dead. Keep your  devices juiced up! 


Hey guys, my name is Cas. I am a Senior at Pace Univeristy on the NYC campus. I am currently working on a dual degree in Communications and Fine Arts. I've been working with some friends of mine to start up our own creative platform called FUNKNVIBE. It's basically a way for artists, musicians, film makers and any creative minds to collaborate and create. When I'm not volunteering or with my FNV family I'm reading, dancing or working on my latest art piece. I hope to own and design my own publication showcasing the culture around me. I have a personal blog as well as my Her Campus page. I recently started up a blog with FunknVibe so definitely check it out!  I started out as the secretary at for HCPace but moved my way to VP and CC to now President. I love being able to give students on my campus a voice and connect new students to some type of a community. Her Campus has allowed me to organize myself better and find out what goes into running an organization. It's been an absolute joy and I hope for my last year we have one of the best!