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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at McGill chapter.

Meet this week’s gorgeous and hilarious campus cutie, Gemma! Keep reading to find out more about her.

The Basics

Age: 20

Major/Minor: Accounting & Human Resources

Year: Third year

Hometown: Vancouver, BC.

The Essentials

Hobbies: Discovering the optimal rum and coke ratio.

Favourite food: Corn.

Dream job: Tokyo bouncer.

Go-to place in Montreal: Altos.

Getting Personal

Pet peeve: Onions.

What can you cook best? Frozen corn.

Worst habits: Losing and breaking everything. I’m on my second passport, second set of keys, fourth student ID and third phone of 2015.

If you could have one super power what would it be? Ability to remember all my passwords and log-in info.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Ideally one inch taller.

Lightning Round

Favourite word: Pouncin’.

Favourite movie: Forest Gump.

Celebrity girl crush: Mila Kunis.

Celebrity guy crush: Tim Riggins.

Guilty pleasure song: Any Lil Wayne or Akon throwbacks.

Images provided by interviewee.