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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Marist chapter.

Crocheting…knitting… What do you think of when you hear these words? Probably the blanket that you have that your grandma gave you when you were born sitting on your bed. When most people hear them, they imagine that blanket or scarf that was made for you once, or that you got at the store.

You wouldn’t think of someone like me: an 18-year-old freshman in college who is absolutely obsessed with crocheting. Many people ask me why I do this or how I started. Like most people, I started when I was about eight years old, did it for a little, then stopped. It was not until recently, about eight months ago, that I found a passion for it. My grandmother was in the hospital, so I started again with the basic scarf or blanket to do as I kept her company. Now, when people see the work I create, they can not believe it is handmade. 

But I’m not writing this to tell you my story about my yarn obsession, although I’ll throw it in a little. 

There are truly so many benefits to crocheting and knitting, or anything you do with your hands for that matter. It is intellectually stimulating, helps you focus, and gives you a chance to be free from technology and just focus on yourself and your thoughts. Also, it helps explore your creativity.

I do a form of crochet that most people do not know about: Amigurumi. That is, the art of knitting or crocheting yarn creatures. Ever see a teddy bear made of yarn? Yes- that’s what it is, and I find myself lucky enough to be able to create such beautiful things out of something that was once a ball of yarn.  I don’t do this because a handmade gift is the best gift anyone could receive; I do this because it truly makes me happy. It takes me out of the technology bubble that everyone is so fascinated in. It forces me to focus on my own life, not other’s through social media sites. It forces me to think of myself and clear my mind of things that are bothersome to me. Often people say to me, “I really don’t know how you have time to sit there and crochet for hours.” The answer is simple. Instead of using my phone at night caring about other people’s lives, I pick up my hook and start crocheting.

I encourage everyone, men and women to do this and break the mold of who crocheters or knitters are. We all aren’t middle aged or older women making things for grandkids. Be the 18-year-old who does not go anywhere without yarn in her purse. Be different and try to spread what makes you happy, because you never know.. it may help someone find their passion.


Hi! My name is Adriana Cocucci and I am a freshman at Marist College. I love my family, my dog, crocheting, and a lot more! In the future I'd love to be a special education advocate and litigator.
Sarah Dorothy Lynch is a junior at Marist College studying Journalism and Public Relations with a passion for writing, travel, and bread (all varieties). If she ever met Emma Stone, she would likely keel over.