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How Brooke Davis Helped Me Survive My Break Up

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Manhattan chapter.

There are two types of break ups: The type we see in movies where said actress gets dumped then eats a tub of ice cream (never gaining a pound of course) and the next week has another beautiful boyfriend. And then there are the real life break ups: The kind that break your heart, make you cry and send your life into a downward spiral filled with boxed wine, crying sessions with your best friends, tubs of ice cream and of course, more boxed wine. I recently went through the second type of break up and yes, it was just as horrible as heartbreak is made out to be. The boy I loved cheated on me, but then I thought to myself, if Brooke Davis can survive the betrayal of beautiful Lucas Scott, then I am positive I can make it out alive from the betrayal of my less than a man ex boyfriend. At the time, I hated him for all the tears he caused and for the hundreds of dollars spent on Pink Blush Franzia to make it through a night. But here I am, months later, stronger and happier than I ever thought I would be. Of course some nights my thoughts bump into memories of him and I wonder how he could so swiftly move onto the next girl, but then I realize that he isn’t the boy I loved anymore and that this is how it was all supposed to happen. So with the help of watching One Tree Hill everynight, here I am, alive and well! So here is the best advice I can give- How to survive a break up 101, and how to make it out alive as a stronger and happier woman! And what better way to get advice than from the independent queen herself, Brooke Davis. For those of you who know One Tree Hill, Brooke Davis has seen heartbreak but she proves to us all that a Julian is out there for everyone. 

1. It’s okay to be sad for a little while.

2. The P. Sawyer in your life will always be more important than any man, so make sure your best friend is right by your side through it all.

3. Once you get all your tears out, make sure you have a plan B!

4. Never give the boy who broke your heart another chance! Learn from B. Davis, it’s foolish.

5. Cake, ice cream, wine.. they are all a necessity because chocolate and wine can fix a broken heart.

6. Start fresh, find new hobbies, spend time with real friends and most importantly, start putting yourself first and make time to do things that make you happy. 

7. And finally the day will come where that boy won’t mean anything to you anymore and pure happiness will take over!

8. But MOST IMPORTANTLY, hoes over bros, always! 

Aspiring mermaid, professional food tester and napper, but for now I'll stick to writing. Manhattan College Campus Correspondent!