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Dan Cooper ’15

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Liverpool chapter.

Name: Dan Cooper

Year: 3rd Year

Degree: Veterinary Sciences

Hometown: Worcester

Activities: Cricket and Rugby

Relationship Status: Taken (To none other than our Campus Cutie, Emily Ambrose, from Launch Week!)

Where we can find you most: Vet School/ Library/ Gym

Fun Fact: Was bitten by a shark in South Africa

HC: What is your favourite thing about University of Liverpool?

DC: The night-life

HC: Where would you like to be in five years time?

DC: A qualified and successful vet

HC: Any pearls of wisdom for Freshers?

DC: Talk to anyone and get involved

HC: What would you say is the best student night out?

DC: Cava and Santa Chupitos

Bethan Ann Andrews, Third year Literature student, Passionate about writing and print.