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Plight of the Single Girl- PDA

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Le Moyne chapter.

PDA is one the topics that single girls have the strongest opinions on.  The easiest way to sum it up is, there is a time and a place for everything.  There are times when it is okay to swallow your significant other’s face.  That time is not in front of the only entrance to a building.  When I am trying to get somewhere in a hurry, I do not want to have to navigate around two people who may suffocate in the next twenty seconds.
Hand holding is rarely offensive.  It is one of those things that couples can just get away with doing in public.  A lot of the time, kissing in public is taken too far.  There are plenty of couples who manage to kiss in public and not create a scene.  There is a line that shouldn’t be crossed.  I honestly don’t know where the line is but you know it’s been crossed when you see it happen.  If you’re the one kissing, you can’t always tell that you’ve gone too far.  You are caught up in the moment, you don’t realize what you’re doing.  Whatever your excuse is, just be aware enough to notice the audience that has formed around you.  If an audience has formed, if people are gawking — the line has been crossed. 
In movies, PDA seems wonderful.  We watch movies like An Officer and A Gentleman and cheer when the main character gets carried out of work by her boyfriend.  If someone did that in the real world we would all be horrified.  No one would know how to react.  We would all wonder why this was happening.  It wouldn’t really be socially acceptable. 
It’s the same with airport goodbyes.  Airport goodbyes in movies are sweeping and romantic.  In reality, no one will clap if you begin making out at the departure gate.  People are stressed out and frazzled at airports, other people kissing does not help this fact.  Airports are not the place for PDA.  The only PDA at an airport should be when you get patted down by the TSA agents.
Hugs are great, I am a big fan of hugs.  I haven’t seen a lot of couples go too far with the hug.  I feel like that is one of those things that you know when you’ve gone too far.  If you don’t PDA is one the topics that single girls have the strongest opinions on.  The easiest way to sum it up is, there is a time and a place for everything.  There are times when it is okay to swallow your significant other’s face.  That time is not in front of the only entrance to a building.  When I am trying to get somewhere in a hurry, I do not want to have to navigate around two people who may suffocate in the next twenty seconds.

Coffee addict, obsessive Mets fan, movie geek, shoe collector, Hypochondriac, fan of all things Tiffany, closet comic book geek (well, not anymore...), member of Political Science Academy, CMM Club, and Future Cat Ladies of America (which may or may not be a real club).