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Plight of the Single Girl- Age Differences

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Le Moyne chapter.

I really do not have any real issue with age difference.  Some people worry that an age difference will make it difficult to relate to each other.  As long as everyone is legal, I really do not think that it is an issue.  Relationships are so individual that it is difficult to make sweeping statements.  You can’t say that a girl shouldn’t date an older guy because she isn’t mature enough.  She might be more mature than the guy.  We’ve all heard that girls mature quicker than guys.  The same could be said about a younger guy, he may be too immature but he could also end up being very mature for his age.
When someone decides that they can’t date someone solely because of an age difference, they are only hurting themselves.  There is always a chance that someone is too immature.  People can be immature and be the same age as you.  I went out with a guy that was my age but might as well have been as emotionally mature as a 13 year old.  He was in no way ready for a relationship despite his age.  On the other hand, I have encountered some guys who are younger than me who I felt like were older than me. 
If you want to just have fun, there is no danger in going out with a younger guy.  A lot of them want to just have a good time and they will give you a break from stress.  I’ve had friends who have dated younger guys and said that they are eager to show off.  At that same time, they are often a little insecure.  The jump between high school and college can be difficult.  There is a huge gap in experiences and what is going on in their lives.  Older guys, can be a little bit more serious.  A little more set in their ways but also a little more sure of themselves.
I know that often, a lot of the apprehension comes from what other people will think.  It is much easier said than done, but you have to ignore what you think others are saying.  Most people don’t really care and if they do care, their opinions shouldn’t matter.  Your real friends want you to be happy.  If your relationship works, no one gets to criticize.  It is true what they say, age differences shrink as you get older.  An age gap of 18 and 23 may seem a like a bit but 20 and 25 seems like a lot less.  It just doesn’t matter as much.

Coffee addict, obsessive Mets fan, movie geek, shoe collector, Hypochondriac, fan of all things Tiffany, closet comic book geek (well, not anymore...), member of Political Science Academy, CMM Club, and Future Cat Ladies of America (which may or may not be a real club).