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LCTV Hosts Film Festival

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lasell chapter.

On April 15, the Lasell College TV (LCTV) club hosted its first Film Festival on campus and it went  well. Many students from campus presented short films and promos they created to show.

Led by the student in charge of LCTV, Jilliana Sliby, she helped put together and create the event with the help of her team and other students. They had around 7 presenters to show their videos. There were also 3 judges to decide which videos were the best and take prizes they had for the winners. 

The students who had presented their videos in the festival had excellent videos to show. The short films were documentaries about students and other people they have selected. It talked about their personal lives and told about important events. One video shown was a two minute video that was interviewing the friends and co-workers of the recent Boston Firemen who tragically died in Boston. It was a heart-warming video and really got your attention. 

The promo videos that were shown were short little commercials to movies that students had made up. The students were very creative and their footage was enjoyable to watch. One that was very amusing was a video of footage was taken on Marathon Monday last year on April 15, 2013 of a dancing guy in a costume of the teddy bear character Ted. He was dancing around and the video was saying on that next Marathon Monday, that guy will be back and there will be chaos. It was hilarious and very creative.

The Film Festival went great and prizes were given to the top three presenters. Even though it was their first time doing this, LCTV did a great job hosting. It is expected to be another next year and much promise. 

I'm a junior and I like to write