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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lasell chapter.

In this week’s journaling prompt we are going to focus on the topic of forgiveness; mostly on forgiving yourself. We tend to bring up the topic of forgiving others so that we have a better perspective on the relationship with that other person, however, it’s just as important to remember to forgive yourself too. That being said, today’s prompt is:


“What do you need to forgive yourself for?”


Let’s think about it. 

It could be a big issue, or something as simple as a quick occurrence. Yet, you’re still thinking about it. Why? 

If you’re not sure what to write down or forgive yourself for? Here are some ideas:


  1. Staying somewhere or in a situation that wasn’t serving you any good.

  2. Being hard on yourself when you were trying your best. 

  3. Not putting yourself first in important situations. 

  4. Being impatient.

  5. Not appreciating yourself or being self-deprecating.

  6. Ignoring good moments or the good people in your life. 


These are some situations and thoughts that I personally struggled with when I was answering this prompt. Specifically, I know I have struggled in the past with being way too hard on myself, even when I was truly trying my hardest and doing my best. As someone who tries their best to be kind and caring to everyone, I was burnt out and I wasn’t aware of it. I tried to be everyone’s healer, but not my own. I was always saying yes to everything, giving my energy towards those who never reciprocated it, and overall I tried to be a people-pleaser. 

Acknowledging these actions and getting comfortable with saying “no” as much as I did with saying “yes” helped me tremendously in the long run.

I wrote about this when answering this particular journaling prompt, but I also made a point to forgive myself for that. I will continue to try my best not to repeat this mistake. 

Everyone makes mistakes. It’s a natural occurrence that happens. Instead of waiting for someone else to forgive us, we need to forgive ourselves first. 

*This writing prompt is inspired by @calmerrecords on Tiktok*

Jade Diaz

Lasell '23

Jade is a Senior at Lasell, majoring in Fashion Merchandising and Management. She adores figurative art, and enjoys being creative in any way possible. She is sneaker- obsessed and loves the world of fashion. One fun fact is that her dog Finn, is named after a Star Wars character named FN-2187.