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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at La Verne chapter.

This past week, Los Angeles has experienced some brutal weather… as brutal as it can get for the sunniest city in the nation. From 80-degree highs in one week, the city was plunged into the freezing temperatures of 50-60 degrees. How will we ever survive?

Well, you don’t. But if you live in L.A. and has experienced this crazy weather change, this is probably what happened to you this week:


  1. Waking up to a freezing bedroom  Don’t you just hate it when you fall asleep in your warm covers, and waking up to your heater turned off and your room becomes an igloo? Because same.  
  2. Getting into a freezing car If they say that your car is like a microwave in the heat, well then that makes it a refrigerator in the cold. Plus you hate having to wait for your car to warm up because cold air comes out before your heater actually starts working.  
  3. Being blown away by the wind (literally!) Especially when you’ve just walked out of a building and the wind picks up…it picks you up too. (Fun fact: this actually happened to me; I was blown back a couple of inches when a particularly strong wind came at me when I got out of class.)  
  4. Wearing lots of layers but shedding them constantly  Obviously you want to be prepared for the cold, but between the heater inside buildings and the occasional peek-a-boo with the sun, it’s hard to find that balance without sweating through your layers or freezing due to lack of.  
  5. Having your hair messed up (also because of that dang wind) No matter how hard you try, there is no point in fixing what the wind can ruin in .02 seconds #facts  
  6. Facing a super long line at the coffee shop Everyone needs that liquid warmth, but do they really have to be there all at once? Class is starting and you need coffee!!!!  
  7. Walking around with a blanket At this point, you’d rather look like a burrito than have your toes freezing off. Plus, you can start a new trend: blanket chic!  
  8. Staying in because it’s too cold outside Who needs to go to class, eat food or interact with people anyways? It’s just me, my blankets and my bed!


We don’t know how much longer this cold is going to last, but it’s a refreshing change from the weird heat we’ve been getting in February. Us Los Angeles girls are so not used to this weather. Stay warm, collegiates!

Much like the Disney character, I don't let society define who I am & I always do what I think is right. Communications/Public Relations major, Class of 2019 at the University of La Verne. I aspire to learn from the best to better serve the world we live in by creating clear messages for the public.