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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kutztown chapter.

Heart racing

Like erratic beating of the drums

Out of sync, out of control


The metallic taste in my mouth

The taste of invisible blood

I can’t spit it out, no matter how much I try


My stomach churns

I try to keep the food down

The nausea takes over, I vomit into the sink


I sweat uncontrollably

The feeling of sweat you get when you’re ill

I shower ten times, trying in vain to cool down


My mind is racing at lightning speed

My paranoia out of control

I lie in bed and suffer, hoping for it to end


There is no comfort from it

There is no escape from it

There is nothing, nothing I can do


I ride this wave of anxiety

Until the ocean of it decides

Until, until it decidesthat it’s over.