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The pros and cons of going braless

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kent State chapter.

Everyday, after a long day of school or work, many women come home to the same routine: putting down their stuff, changing into comfy pants and taking off that bra. As comfortable as that is, the next morning we get dressed and start the cycle again. But why not be comfy and free all day? Here are four pros and cons of not wearing a bra in your daily life.


1. As previously mentioned, it is more comfortable. 

2. No extra layer to make you sweaty.

3. You don’t have to hide your bra.

4. It can be very sexy to not wear a bra. 


1. The lack of support can be bad if you’re a more active person

2. Skin on skin contact can be annoying, especially if you have larger breasts.

3. Sometimes it’s not considered professional.

4. Bras can look attractive too.   

All in all, preference goes over anything else. Do what makes you comfortable and happy!

Junior at Kent State, with a mojor in journalism and a minor in fashion media. I like to write about fashion, lifestyle and Harry Styles.